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Valuable BI insights will take your business to the next level and allow you to concentrate on the crucial aspects. Plan effective promotions, attain full control over all significant business operations and enhance the planner's productivity by facilitating their work with customized, user-friendly BI reports.




Our ElasticityProfile® reveals precisely which price level generates the largest sales for the lowest price. 

Business insights are of great valuable for the marketing strategy as is allows planning highly profitable promotions.

Our price cluster technology calculates the elasticity of the price and provides valuable details about +++++

Item Elasticity Profile




Our Power BI report allows an improved situation assessment as it provides managers with a product performance and an user-activity overview. Resulting in full control over items, item groups, planner’s productivity or special price deals with suppliers. Deviations of item performances regarding location, time and price elasticity can be easily reviewed at one glance. A detailed business overview enables swift adjustments and improves the control over each measurable aspects of the whole demand planning process. 

The BI insights can furthermore support the relationships with suppliers as they initialize better negotiating terms regarding long-term contracts.

Clear Sales Overview



The BI report submits an Ideal inventory maintenance level, resulting in significantly fewer stock outs and accordingly a reduced penalty rate of lost sales. Further, the Inventory Carrying Cost (ICC) can be greatly lowered, as the BI report recommendations prevent overstocking.

Our user-friendly one screen BI report contains customer specific information and exception alerts which are tailored to the client's demands and ensure the utmost effectiveness. 

All items are classified to assorted to reveal which items require human attention. Thanks to the dependable forecast quality of ForecastPlanner, planners are relieved to focus on important concerns such as items that have been identified by the system as exceptional.

Lower Out Of Stock Rate

BI reports, analysis and detection

• The BI system is part of the ForecastPlanner offering

• The BI uses the Azure cloud based PowerBI system by Microsoft

• It is fast, flexible, and always available

• All reports are also available via Excel PowerPivot, if required

• Reports are both operational for planners and analysis reports for managers


What is A forecastplanner proof of concept (POC)

• A POC is a full scale operation of the system for a limited period and a limited scope (category)

•It uses all available data and shows the first level of possible improvement

•A POC usually includes a live use of the system for some weeks/months

•Usually a POC takes 2-4 months

Poc steps:

•Decision of scope and goals

•Definition of success

•Data extract for learning and optimization of the forecasting approach

•Simulated execution to show initial benefits

•First workshop

•Input/output initial integration for infrastructure creation

•Live execution to show real benefits of the approach

•Final workshop including life results analysis

•Gradual expansion

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